Invited Speaker

Assoc. Prof. Juan Camilo Restrepo L.

Assoc. Prof. Juan Camilo Restrepo L.

Physics and Geosciences Department
Universidad del Norte
Barranquilla - Colombia
Speech Title: Recent hydrological changes in northern South America: magnitude and influences of macro-climatic phenomena

Biography: Doctor in Marine Sciences and M.Sc. in Earth Sciences. Associate Professor and researcher at the Physics and Geosciences Department at Universidad del Norte (Colombia) and Guest Investigator in Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) (United States of America). Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the academic initiative entitled Particlesin the Americas (PiA). My research focuses on the analyses of fluvial and coastal processes in tropical environments considering the effects and feedback raised from anthropogenic influences and climate variability. Specifically, to analyze (1)causes and effects of fluvial fluxes variability and (2) relationships/feed backbetween hydrodynamic regimes, sediment transport, and fluvial/estuarine dynamics.